Rachelle Binny

Rachelle Binny, Senior Researcher
Mathematics Research award for senior researcher Dr Rachelle Binny
Rachelle was awarded the 2023 NZ Mathematical Society Early Career Award for Mathematical Research. The NZMS Early Career Research Award was set up in 2006 to foster mathematical research in New Zealand and to recognise excellent research carried out by early-career mathematicians (within 10 years of PhD confirmation). Rachelle was presented the award for work that has driven advances in applied mathematics, as well as having impact in real-world applications including New Zealand’s COVID-19 response.
Peter Bellingham

Peter Bellingham, Senior Researcher – Ecology
Honorary academic role for senior researcher in ecology Dr Peter Bellingham
Peter has accepted an honorary academic role at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland for the next four years. This is to support Peter’s ongoing projects and co-supervision of students at the University.
Hadee Thompson-Morrison

Hadee Thompson-Morrison, Researcher
Dr Hadee Thompson-Morrison wins Zonta award
Hadee, a researcher in environmental contaminants at Manaaki Whenua, has been awarded the 2024 Zonta Science Award. The Zonta Science Award was established to further the status of women in scientific fields and recognises early career performance.