Malcolm was aware peat deposits, which form under wetlands, can preserve pollen grains, and these tiny microfossils can offer insights into the past vegetation of an area, before the land was cleared, drained and farmed.
He approached researcher Dr Janet Wilmshurst from Manaaki Whenua’s Long Term Ecology Laboratory about a wetland area on Tim’s farm. The lab specialises in reconstructing past ecosystems and former species interactions using microfossil and molecular analyses.
Curious about the small wetland, Janet was keen to get a few samples, known as ‘cores’, to find out what the pre-human vegetation cover was like in the area, as there are few pollen records from this part of the Gisborne region.
Janet suggested Malcolm collect a few samples of peat from the wetland to get the research started. In the November 2022 issue of QEII’s National Trust magazine, Open Space, Malcolm details how they went about getting their ‘sample’. “Tim and I found ourselves hammering an old vacuum cleaner tube into the ground on the edge of a newly fenced and covenanted wetland,” he writes.
Janet received a nicely ‘vacuum-sealed’ core she could analyse under the microscope for pollen. “Pollen analysis provided us with a list of at least 43 pollen and fern spore types,” she says. “This included podocarp trees such as rimu, miro and tōtara, as well as numerous broadleaf trees and shrubs that made up the canopy, including maire, pōkākā, māhoe, akeake, rewarewa, kohekohe, and nīkau.”
She also recorded the presence of tree ferns, climbers, perching plants, parasitic plants, and ground ferns. “It’s a huge increase from the 11 known native species from the wetland today.”
Janet says one of the most exciting finds was pollen of te pua o te rēinga (Dactylanthus taylorii), or the wood rose, a semi-parasitic plant that grows as a root-like stem attached to the root of a host tree. “Its distinctive pollen is rarely found in the pollen record, but I have recorded it before in pre-human sediments from Lake Tūtira.”
This plant is now nationally threatened, and forest clearance and introduced mammals have reduced it to a tiny fraction of its former range.
Janet’s analysis showed that the ‘sample’ Malcolm sent her was typical of sediments that accumulate in lakes. Furthermore, the absence of any wetland pollen in these sediments suggested the site was formerly a shallow lake surrounded by tall forest rather than a wetland. Because there were no signs of charcoal in the samples, the sediments probably started accumulating in the small basin in the pre-human era between 3,000 and 1,000 years ago.
Janet compared the pollen spores from Tim’s Frasertown farm with records from other regions in Gisborne and the Hawke’s Bay. “Pollen records show us what the vegetation was like across New Zealand long before people arrived,” she says. “Understanding what plant species survived and flourished in an area in the past is a good reference point for informing current land-management decisions.”
Tim has fenced off the basin to protect it from his stock and named it the Pakowhai Wetland. The area is now registered as a QEII National Trust Covenant. “Who knows what might show up if a vacuum cleaner tube were to be pressed into the peat to take a core sample in another 1,000 years,” says Malcolm.