Weed Biocontrol New Faces
Temo Talie (Auckland)
Temo joined MWLR in January 2021 as programme co-ordinator of the Natural Enemies Natural Solutions (NENS) programme, which aims to develop weed biocontrol agents for high-priority weeds in Pacific Island countries and territories. Temo is currently based at our Tamaki site in Auckland, but he will eventually relocate to Apia, Samoa, where he will work closely with collaborators from the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to support the co-ordination and successful implementation of the NENS programme.
Before joining MWLR Temo worked as Research Programme Coordinator for the University of Auckland’s Bioengineering Institute (ABI). His role at ABI focused on supporting researchers in all aspects of research, including identifying funding opportunities, developing research proposals and budgets, quality assurance of proposals, contracting of awarded grants, and risk identification and mitigation. Temo was also the subject matter expert for US federal funding procedures and financial management procedures for short-term activities conducted at the University of Auckland.
Temo has an academic background in environmental management and has a keen interest in helping to address invasive species problems in the Pacific region, which are the leading driver of biodiversity loss.
Alana Den Breeyen (Auckland)
Alana joined MWLR in March 2021 as a plant pathology researcher. Alana is based at our Tamaki site in Auckland, where she will also manage the Beever Insect and Pathogen Containment Facility.
Before joining MWLR Alana worked as a plant pathologist in the Weed Research Division at the Agricultural Research Council – Plant Health and Protection (ARC-PHP), based in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Her role at ARC-PHP focused on investigating a diverse suite of fungal pathogens for the control of a wide range of invasive plant species.
Alana has an extensive knowledge of fungal biocontrol agents on invasive plants, and she will contribute to the research on the biological control of weeds using plant pathogens in natural and productive sector ecosystems, both in New Zealand and overseas. She will also contribute to other plant pathogen-based research.