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Prumnopitys taxifolia / Melicytus ramiflorus – Myrsine australis forest

Common name: Mataī forest
Code: A: BPF6

Where does it occur?

This forest alliance occurs in scattered locations on the S.I. east coast, eastern Southland, Kakahu, North Canterbury (esp. near Kaikoura) and the Marlborough Sounds. Altitudes range from just above sea level to 685 m.


Stands are dominated by Prumnopitys taxifolia in the canopy and Melicytus ramiflorus and Myrsine australis in the subcanopy. Indicator species include Lophomyrtus obcordata, Prumnopitys taxifolia, Pittosporum eugenioides, Pellaea rotundifolia, Streblus heterophyllus, Hoheria angustifolia and Calystegia tuguriorum. Other podocarp species such as Podocarpus totara and Dacrycarpus dacrydioides may be present, but Nothofagus is absent. Species richness is moderately high, with on average 39 species per plot. Of these, 3 species (7%) are exotic.

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of Prumnopitys taxifolia, Pseudopanax arboreus and Polystichum neozelandicum.

Stand characteristics

Mean canopy height (m): 11 m (range 1–26)


Relationship Name Author
is included within Conifer/broadleaved forests of lower altitudes: Eastern South Island  Wardle (1991)
overlaps with Kahikatea, totara, matai forest [southern variant] Singers & Rogers (unpublished)
is included within Matai, totara, kahikatea, broadleaved forest Singers & Rogers (unpublished)
is included within Totara, matai, ribbonwood forest Singers & Rogers (unpublished)

Component Associations

Prumnopitys taxifolia / Melicytus ramiflorusMyrsine australis / Macropiper excelsum forest

Common name: Mataī – māhoe – red mapou forest
Code: a: BLP9

Where does it occur?

This 7600 ha association has been sampled on the South Island only, primarily near the coast from Banks Peninsula and to the north. Slopes range from gentle (8º) to steep (40º). Altitude ranges from just above sea level to 530 m.


On average stands are 13 m tall, but may be up to 25 m tall.These forests are quite rich in species, with on average 40 species, and as many as 90 species, recorded on a plot. Seven percent of these, on average, are exotic.

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of either Myrsine australis, Melicytus ramiflorus, Ripogonum scandens, Polystichum neozelandicum and Prumnopitys taxifolia OR
Myrsine australis, Melicytus ramiflorus, Asplenium hookerianum and Pennantia corymbosa OR Myrsine australis, Melicytus ramiflorus, Asplenium hookerianum and Griselinia littoralis