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Podocarp forest Alliances including related supalpine shrublands

Dracophyllum traversii[ – [D. longifoliumCoprosma pseudocuneataArcheria traversii low forest and subalpine shrubland

Common name: Mountain neinei – Inanga low forest and subalpine shrubland
Code: A: PF1

Co-occurrence of [Olearia colensoi], [Dracophyllum traversii] and [Blechnum monae-zelandiae] is one of the combinations of species that indicates this alliance. Kelly Range, Westland.

Co-occurrence of [Olearia colensoi], [Dracophyllum traversii] and [Blechnum monae-zelandiae] is one of the combinations of species that indicates this alliance. Kelly Range, Westland.

Where does it occur?

This low forest and shrubland alliance occurs in montane to subalpine areas (740–1210 m) on or near the Main Divide of the South Island, predominantly from Jackson’s Bay to Arthurs’s Pass. There are a few occurrences in the Matiri/Owen.


The alliance is dominated by the shrubs Dracophyllum traversii, D. longifolium, Coprosma pseudocuneata, Archeria traversii and Phormium cookianum with Blechnum novae-zealandiae in the ground layer. Podocarps, including Libocedrus bidwillii, Podocarpus hallii and Halocarpus biformis, occur in 69% of the plots. Indicator species include Olearia colensoi, Dracophyllum traversii and Archeria traversii. On average, stands are 6 m tall, and the most developed stands attain heights of 16 m. Species richness is moderate, with on average 40 species per plot. Very few exotic species occur in these shrublands.

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of Archeria traversii, Coprosma pseudocuneata, Dracophyllum longifolium andOlearia lacunosa OR
Blechnum novae-zelandiae, Dracophyllum traversii and Olearia colensoi OR
Dracophyllum longifolium, Dracophyllum traversii and Olearia colensoi OR
Blechnum novae-zelandiae, Coprosma pseudocuneata, Dracophyllum longifolium and Dracophyllum traversii.

Stand characteristics

Mean canopy height (m): 6 m (1–16)


Relationship Name Author
overlaps with High-altitude conifer/broad-leaved forests: Central Westland Wardle (1991)
overlaps with Primary tree- and shrub-heaths and subalpine bush: Primary tall heaths and subalpine bush in Central Westland  Wardle (1991)
is included within Halls totara, pahautea, kamahi, southern rata forest Singers & Rogers (unpublished)
overlaps with Olearia, Pseudopanax, Dracophyllum scrub [Sub-alpine scrub]   Singers & Rogers (unpublished)

Component Associations

Olearia colensoiDracophyllum longifoliumCoprosma pseudocuneataD. traversiiPhormium cookianumArcheria traversii subalpine shrubland

[Dracophyllum longifolium], [Phormium cookianum] and [Archeria traversii] often co-occur in this association. Kelly Range, Westland.

[Dracophyllum longifolium], [Phormium cookianum] and [Archeria traversii] often co-occur in this association. Kelly Range, Westland.

Common name: Leatherwood – Inanga – mountain neinei subalpine shrubland
Code: a: S14

Where does it occur?

This 15 100 ha association has been sampled only on the South Island West Coast south of Greymouth and north of Jacob's River. Sites range from flat to very steeply sloping (60º). Altitudes range from 755 to 1140 m.


On average stands are 5 m tall, but may range from 4 to 18 m tall.These shrublands are species-rich, with on average 47 species, but as many as 60, recorded on a plot. Level of invasion by exotics is very low, with on average less than 1% of the species present being exotic.

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of Dracophyllum longifolium, Phormium cookianum, Olearia colensoi, Dracophyllum traversii OR
Dracophyllum longifolium, Phormium cookianum, Olearia lacunosa

Podocarpus halliiMetrosideros umbellataLibocedrus bidwillii / Griselinia littoralisRaukaua simplexArcheria traversii forest

Common name: Hall's totara – southern rata – kaikawaka forest
Code: a: BLP8

Where does it occur?

This 7 600 ha association has been sampled only on the South Island and almost exclusively on the West Coast south of Greymouth and north of Jacob's River. Sites range from flat to steeply sloping (50º). Altitudes range from 530 to 1030 m.


On average stands are 13 m tall, but may be up to 22 m tall.These forests are relatively species-rich, with on average 44 species, but as many as 54, recorded on a plot. These forests have a low level of invasion by exotics, with on average less than 1% of the species present being exotic.

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of Griselinia littoralis, Podocarpus hallii, Raukaua simplex, Blechnum novae-zelandiae, Dracophyllum traversii, Uncinia spp. and Libocedrus bidwillii OR
Griselinia littoralis, Podocarpus hallii, Raukaua simplex, Blechnum novae-zelandiae, Dracophyllum traversii and Luzuriaga parviflora.


  • a: S1 Kunzea ericoides / (Coprosma rhamnoides – Leucopogon fasciculatus – Leptocophylla juniperina) shrubland
  • a: S3 Kunzea ericoides / Agrostis capillaris – Anthoxanthum odoratum shrubland
  • a: S2 (Kunzea ericoides) / Coprosma rhamnoides / Dactylis glomerata – Anthoxanthum odoratum – Plantago lanceolata – (Agrostis capillaris) successional shrubland
  • a: S5 Leptospermum scoparium successional shrubland
  • a: S4 Leptospermum scoparium / Empodisma minus – Gleichenia sp. – Lycopodiella diffusa –Leptecophylla juniperina shrubland
  • a: S9 Discaria toumatou / Anthoxanthum odoratum – Festuca novae-zelandiae shrubland
  • a: S12 Dracophyllum uniflorum / Poa colensoi – Gaultheria crassa – G. depressa – Brachyglottis bellidioides – (Celmisia spectabilis) montane shrubland
  • a: S10 Ulex europaeus/Cytisus scoparius successional shrubland
  • a: S6 (Cordyline australis) Ulex europaeus shrubland
  • a: S7 Cordyline australis tall shrubland
  • a: S13 Dracophyllum pronum / Phyllachne colensoi – Anisotome flexuosa – (Poa colensoi – Raoulia grandiflora) subalpine shrubland
  • a: S11 Pinus radiata – Cordyline australis (Ulex europaeus) shrubland
  • a: S8 Coprosma propinqua – Discaria toumatou – Cordyline australis (Ulex europaeus) shrubland