Schellenberg’s soldier bug - Oechalia schellenbergii (Guérin, 1831)
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(Native to New Zealand)
![[Oechalia schellenbergii]. SIZE: 9-12 mm. COLOUR: Brownish yellow, with several pale and dark markings. © MWLR | CC BY-NC 4.0 Image](/assets/Tools-And-Resources/Identification/Pentatomidae/Oechalia_schellenbergii__FillMaxWzE1LDE1XQ.jpg)

![[Oechalia schellenbergii]. HUMERI (pronotum hind corners) pointed like a spine. SIDES OF ABDOMEN with hind corner of segments pointed like a black-tipped spine. © MWLR | CC BY-NC 4.0 Image](/assets/Tools-And-Resources/Identification/Pentatomidae/Oechalia_humeri__FillMaxWzE1LDE1XQ.jpg)
![[Oechalia schellenbergii] ventral view. THORAX UNDERSIDE without ear-shaped scent gland opening between mid and hind legs. ABDOMEN UNDERSIDE with strong spine, extended forward as far as mid legs. © MWLR | CC BY-NC 4.0 Image](/assets/Tools-And-Resources/Identification/Pentatomidae/Oechalia_ventralfront__FillMaxWzE1LDE1XQ.jpg)
BODY LENGTH: About 8 mm. COLOUR: Mostly black; thorax, wing pads with whitish outline; abdomen yellowish white with orange red tinge, 2 large black transverse plates between 2 smaller plates near midline; legs dark with broad pale middle band; antennae black, segment 2, often 3, yellowish red at tip. WING PADS pointed at tip.