Te ngeti o te pūrēhua pēke o Ahitereiria ngeti
Australian bagmoth pupa
Cebysa leucotelus
- Pūtoi
- Order
- Lepidoptera
- Whānau
- Family
- Psychidae
Te Rahi
- Tērā ka 15–20 mm te roa o te pēke
Size range
- Bag can be 15–20 mm long
Te Tītaringa
- Nō Ahitereiria.
- I kitea tuatahitia i Tāmaki–makau–rau, i te tau 1981.
- Australian
- First found in Auckland in 1981
Te Huringa Ora
- Ka hangaia e te anuhe tētahi pēke tīwekaweka hei whare mōna.
- Kitea ai i ngā pātū toka me ngā whare. Kai ai i te pūkohu wai mōkitokito me te harore whai hoa pūkohuwai.
- He wā anō ka pōhēhētia he pītara kē te uwha pakeke. Kāore e kaha te rere – ka rere, mea ake kua tau anō.
- He pakari tonu ngā parirau o te toa.
Life history
- Caterpillar forms an untidy bag to live in
- Found on rock walls and houses. Feeds on minute algae and lichen
- Adult female is often mistaken for a beetle. Adult female can fly, but only in short hops
- Male is fully winged