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He hua nō te kihikihi/kīkītara

Cicada eggs

Amphipsalta zelandica (Boisduval)
Chorus cicada eggs. Christina Rowe / CC BY-SA (

Chorus cicada eggs. Christina Rowe / CC BY-SA (

Show in English Te Reo

Te Rahi

  • 5 mm pea te roa.

Size range

  • About 5 mm long

Te Tītaringa

  • Nō Aotearoa taketake ake.
  • Kei te takiwā o te 40 ngā momo o Aotearoa, he maha tonu e taea ana te tautuhi i runga i te āhua o te kitā.


  • New Zealand native

Te Huringa Ora

  • Ka hoihoi tonu i te raumati.
  • Kai ai i te pia o ētahi tipu.
  • Ka whānau ngā hua ki ngā wakawaka e rere ana i ngā rārā.
  • Tērā ka kino ngā rārā i te noho mai o ngā hua ki ngā wakawaka, ka whatiwhati noa.
  • Noho ai ngā torongū ki te poho o Papa, me te kai i ngā pakiaka o ngā rākau.

Life history

  • Medium to large insects, bigger species up to 40 mm in length including wings
  • About 40 New Zealand species, many identifiable by the song
  • Very loud in summer months
  • Feed on plant sap
  • Eggs laid in grooves in twigs
  • Egg grooves cause damage to twigs often causing them to break
  • Larvae develop underground, feeding on tree roots