E 35–38 mm te whānui mai i te pito o tētahi parirau ki tētahi.
Size range
Wingspan of moth 35–38 mm
Te Tītaringa
He momo māori.
Native species
Te Huringa Ora
Kai ai te torongū whakakoromeke i te pō. Ko te mata raro o ngā rau pūhou o te harakeke (Phormuim tenax) tana kai, ā, mahue mai ana he papanga taekore i runga ake, me te matapihi te rite.
I ngā rau tawhito, tērā ka ‘pakaru’ te matapihi, he kōhao te waihotanga iho.
He kākāriki ngā anuhe i te tīmatanga, i muri mai, ka kōwhai pūata–kore me ōna anō tāhei whero.
Life history
Looper caterpillar feeds nocturnally on the under-surface of young flax (Phormuim tenax) leaves, leaving the top colourless layer, forming a ‘window’
In older leaves the window often breaks leaving a hole.
Caterpillars green at first, later opaque yellow with red stripes.
Flax looper moth Orthoclydon praefectata (female)Flax looper moth Orthoclydon praefectata (male)Windows on flax leaves'Looper' or 'windower' damage