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Te tūwhaipapa

Giraffe weevil

Lasiorhynchus barbicornis (Fabricius)
Giraffe weevil [Lasiorhynchus barbicornis] (male (l) and female (r)). Dorsal view

Giraffe weevil Lasiorhynchus barbicornis (male (l) and female (r)). Dorsal view

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Te Rahi

  • Koinei te pītara roa katoa o Aotearoa. E 45 mm te roa o te uwha, e 70 mm te roa o te toa.

Size range

  • New Zealand’s longest beetle. Female 45 mm, Male 70 mm.

Te Tītaringa

  • He momo māori.


  • Native to New Zealand

Te Huringa Ora

  • Ka tukuna ngā hua ki roto i te hiako o ngā rākau me ngā peka kua mate, kua mate haere rānei, i te tīmatanga o te raumati.
  • Ka rua tau te torongū e noho ana ki te rākau.
  • He tapawhā kē te āhua o te kōhao e puta mai ai ia ki te ao mārama.
  • Ka rua wiki noho iho ngā pakeke e ora ana.

Life history

  • Eggs laid in bark of dead or dying trees and branches in early summer
  • Larvae live in the log for two years
  • Emergence hole is square
  • Adults live only two weeks