Te pūngāwerewere māwhaiwhai porohita koura
Golden orbweb spider egg sac
Nephila edulis
![Golden orbweb spider [Nephila edulis] with egg sac. Image: Helen Macky, CitSciHub.nz](/assets/Tools-And-Resources/Identification/What-is-this-bug/680px-1-Golden_Orbweed_eggsac_3___FitMaxWzg3Miw1NDVd.jpg)
Golden orbweb spider Nephila edulis with egg sac. Image: Helen Macky, CitSciHub.nz
- Pūtoi
- Order
- Araneae
- Whānau
- Family
- Tetragnathidae
Te Rahi
- He pūngāwerewere rahi, e 24 mm te roa o te tinana o te uwha.
Size range
- Large spider, body length of female 24 mm
Te Tītaringa
- Nō Ahitereiria.
- Kāore e kaha te kitea i Aotearoa; kāore pea i te whakaputa uri i konei.
- From Australia
- Occasionally found in NZ, probably doesn’t breed here
Te Huringa Ora
- Ka tuitui māwhaiwhai tino nui – e rua mita pea te whānui – ki waho o te whare, ki te mauwha, ki waenga i ngā rākau.
- He koura te tae o ngā aho o tana māwhaiwhai.
- Ka mau i a ia ngā pepeke rere āhua rahi tonu.
- He mea tākai anō te pūkoro hua ki te miro koura.
Life history
- Forms a very large web, up to two metres in diameter, attached to buildings, shrubs, or between trees
- Silk strands of web are golden in colour
- Catches any large flying insects
- Egg sac is also bound in golden silk