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Te ngārara huawhenua māota

Green vegetable bug (immature nymph)

Nezara viridula (Linnaeus)
Green vegetable bug / Te ngārara huawhenua māota [Nezara viridula] - nymph.  Image: dlbowls (CC-BY-NC)

Green vegetable bug / Te ngārara huawhenua māota Nezara viridula - nymph. Image: dlbowls (CC-BY-NC)

Show in English Te Reo

Te Rahi

  • E 10 mm pea te roa.

Size range

  • Up to 10 mm long

Te Tītaringa

  • Nō tāwāhi, engari kitea ai puta noa i Aotearoa.


  • Introduced, found throughout New Zealand

Te Huringa Ora

  • He whakararu tā te punua me te pakeke i ngā kai o te māra.
  • Ka ngongo i te pia o te maha atu o ngā huawhenua raumati me ngā tipu o te māra.
  • He maha ngā tae o ngā punua parirau kore – he pango, he kākāriki, he parauri rānei, me ōna anō tohu i runga he karaka, he whero, he mā ngā tae.

Life history

  • Both nymphs and adults are garden pests
  • Feeds by sucking the sap from many summer vegetables and garden plants
  • Wingless nymphs may be a variety of colours, black, green, brown, with orange, red and white markings.