Te pūngāwerewere kiwikiwi noho whare
Grey house spider
Badumna longinqua
![Grey house spider /Te pūngāwerewere kiwikiwi noho whare [Badumna longinqua]. Image: Campoplex (CC-BY-4.0)](/assets/Tools-And-Resources/Identification/What-is-this-bug/785px-Badumna-longinqua-dorsal__FitMaxWzg3Miw1NDVd.jpg)
Grey house spider /Te pūngāwerewere kiwikiwi noho whare Badumna longinqua. Image: Campoplex (CC-BY-4.0)
- Pūtoi
- Order
- Araneae
- Whānau
- Family
- Desidae
Te Rahi
- He pūngāwerewere āhua rahi, 15 mm te roa o te tinana.
Size range
- Medium–sized spider. Body length about 15 mm
Te Tītaringa
- Nō Ahitereiria.
- Kitea ai i ngā tōpito katoa o Aotearoa.
- Australian native
- Found throughout New Zealand
Te Huringa Ora
- Ka kitea nuitia ō rātou māwhaiwhai tÔwekaweka ki roto, ki waho o ngā whare, tae atu ki ngā whakaata motukā.
- Huna ai ia ki te tuarongo o tana whare, ka tatari kia mau rawa he pepeke ki tana māwhaiwhai.
- Kai ai i te ngaro, i te pūrēhua, i te aha atu ka tūpono mau ki tana whare.
Life history
- Untidy webs often found inside and on the outside of houses. Also on car mirrors
- Hides in a retreat at the base of the web till an insect is caught in the web
- Eats anything caught in the web, – blowflies, houseflies and moths