He pūrēhua rahi, 100 mm te whānui mai i te pito o tētahi parirau ki tētahi.
Size range
Large moth, wingspan 100 mm
Te Tītaringa
Nō Ahitereiria.
Kei Te Ika a Māui, kei Whakatū, kei Ōtautahi, tae atu pea ki Ōtepoti
In New Zealand, North Island, Nelson, and Christchurch. Maybe also Dunedin.
Te Huringa Ora
Ko ngā rākau ka nohoia e te anuhe, ko te purukamu, te rākau pepa, te silver birch, te āperekoti me te waina.
Ina noho tōpū ngā pūrēhua manotini, tērā ka kaha te whakakinotia o te rākau.
He mārō te kahu–āhuru, he rite ki te nati. E puta ai te pakeke i tēnei, me hikahika rawa te ngeti i te kahu mārō o waho kia mahia rawatia he putanga mōna. Kua whakaritea te oro ka puta ake i tēnei mahi āna ki te kakati a te kiore.
Damage can be extensive if there are large numbers of caterpillars
For the adult to emerge from the hard, nut–like cocoon, it must rasp through the tough exterior. The sound of this process has been likened to a rat gnawing
Gum Emperor moth Opodiphthera eucalypti eggs. Image: Ernst, JungleDragonGum Emperor moth Opodiphthera eucalypti caterpillars - various stages. Image: The original uploader was Fir0002 at English Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA-3.0)Gum Emperor moth Opodiphthera eucalypti caterpillar. Image: Angela SimpsonGum Emperor moth Opodiphthera eucalypti cocoonGum Emperor moth Opodiphthera eucalypti Image: Fir0002 talk (CC BY SA-3.0Gum Emperor moth Opodiphthera eucalypti cocoon. Image: Jaco Grundling (CC0)Gum Emperor moth Opodiphthera eucalypti (female)Gum Emperor moth Opodiphthera eucalypti (male)