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Ngā amphipod / Ngā kaipekepeke

Hoppers / Amphipods

Amphipod (Talitridae: Talitridae)

Amphipod (Talitridae: Talitridae)

Show in English Te Reo

Te Rahi

  • He iti te hanga, 0.5–1.5mm, me te pineke anō o te tinana.

Size range

  • Small, 0.5–1.5mm laterally compressed

Te Tītaringa

  • Kitea ai puta noa i Aotearoa.


  • Found throughout New Zealand
  • In damp places, leaf litter, under seaweed on beach

Te Huringa Ora

  • Kitea ai i ngā wāhi haukū, i ngā otaota rau, i raro anō i te rimurimu kua pae ki tātahi.
  • He kaihamu haere pō, kai ai i ngā tipu me ngā kiko kua pōpopo.
  • He wā anō ka haere ki rō whare, engari kāore e ora roa ki reira i te mea he maroke rawa.

Life history

  • Nocturnal scavengers, feed on decaying plant and animal material.
  • Sometimes come in houses, but do not survive dry conditions