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Te pūrēhua kai māngaro o Īnia

Indian meal moth

Plodia interpunctella (Hübner)
Indian meal moth [Plodia interpunctella]. Images: Gilles San Martin / CC-BY-SA

Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella. Images: Gilles San Martin / CC-BY-SA

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Te Rahi

  • Mai i te iti ki te āhua rahi te hanga, 15–22 mm te whānui mai i te pito o tētahi parirau ki tētahi.

Size range

  • Small to medium–sized moths, wingspan 15–22 mm

Te Tītaringa

  • Kei te ao whānui, kei Aotearoa whānui.


  • Widespread overseas and New Zealand

Te Huringa Ora

  • Koia tētahi o ngā pūrēhua maha ka mui i ngā kai pērā i te patarau, i te nati, i te huarākau tauraki, me ētahi atu.
  • Kitea ai ngā anuhe me ngā māwhaiwhai i ngā kai kua roa e whakaputua ana.

Life history

  • One of several species of moth that infest stored food products especially cereals, nuts, dried fruit
  • Larvae and webbing are often found in foods that have been stored for long periods