He tino iti, he mōkitokito tonu ētahi. E 0.4 mm noa iho te whānui o te pūwereriki whero.
Size range
Tiny, some microscopic. Red mite only 0.4 mm diameter
Te Tītaringa
Kei ngā tōpito katoa o te motu, ka mutu, he maha ngā momo.
Kitea ai i te nuinga o ngā wāhi noho, i ngā wāhi huhua.
Worldwide, many different types
Found in most habitats and many different situations
Te Huringa Ora
He whakararu tā ngā mea nei i ngā huarākau me ngā huawhenua. Nāna i tipu ai he pukuwhenewhene i ētahi tipu. Ka kitea anō e noho ana i roto i ngā kai kua roa ki te putunga. He pirinoa ki ētahi atu pepeke. He mōkitokito ngā pūwereriki puehu, nāna i ara ake ai te huangō i ētahi tāngata mate huangō. Kitea nuitia ai i ngā otaota rau maroke.
Life history
Pests on fruit and vegetables. Cause galls on some plants. Associated with food which has been stored for a long time. Parasitic on insects. Dust mites – microscopic, can trigger asthma in susceptible people. Very common in leaf litter
Immature stages may have only six legs
Mite. Image: anthonypaul / CC BY NCMite Tetranychus lintearius. Image: Phil Bendle Collection, CitSciHub.nzLacebark Gall Mite Eriophyes hoheriae. Image: MC Barnhart / CC-BY-NCMItes around eyes forest gecko. Image: Mike Lusk / CC-BY-NCVarroa mite on honeybee. Image: Phil Bendle Collection, CitSciHub.nz