Te katipō tōtahi
Solitary wasp
Ancistrocerus gazella
![[Ancistrocerus gazella]. Image: Mike Bowie (CC BY-NC)](/assets/Discover-Our-Research/Biosecurity/Invasive-invertebrates/Vespula-Wasps-in-New-Zealand/Ancistrocerus_gazella_Bowie__FitMaxWzg3Miw1NDVd.jpg)
Ancistrocerus gazella. Image: Mike Bowie (CC BY-NC)
- Pūtoi
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Whānau
- Family
- Eumenidae
Te Rahi
- 10 mm pea te roa.
Size range
- Length about 10 mm
Te Tītaringa
- I tae pokerehū mai ki Aotearoa.
- Accidentally introduced to New Zealand
Te Huringa Ora
- He tōtahi, kāore e noho ā–kāhui.
- Kohikohi ai te uwha i ngā anuhe o ētahi pūrerehua, pūrēhua rānei hei kai mā ana punua i roto i te kōhanga.
- Kai ai i te ngongo me te waimiere a ngā aphid.
Life history
- Solitary
- The female adult collects caterpillars to supply the nest cell of the larvae
- Eats nectar and honeydew from aphids