Te katipō pepa o Tahimānia
Tasmanian paper wasp
Polistes humilis humilis

Tasmanian paper wasp. Image: shaun-lee / CC-BY
- Pūtoi
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Whānau
- Family
- Vespidae
Te Rahi
- He pepeke āhua rahi, 12–15 mm te roa.
Size range
- Medium–sized insects, 12–15 mm long.
Te Tītaringa
- I tae pokerehū mai ki Aotearoa.
- Accidentally introduced to New Zealand.
Te Huringa Ora
- He wero tonu.
- He iti te kōhanga, he rite ki te hamarara te hanga, me tōna anō kakau e mau atu ana ki te rākau, ki ngā hikuhiku whare.
- Kai ai i te anuhe, i te ngongo, i te waimiere me te huarākau.
Life history
- Can sting.
- Nests are small, umbrella shaped, attached by a short stalk to tree or overhanging eaves of house.
- Eats caterpillars, nectar, honeydew and fruit.