- Pūtoi
- Order
- Oligochaeta
Te Rahi
- He roa te hanga, he whāiti anō. Arā tētahi momo kia tipu kia āhua 2 mita te roa.
Size range
- Long, thin animals; one exceptional species up to 2 metres.
Te Tītaringa
- Nō Aotearoa ētahi momo, nō tāwāhi anō ētahi.
- New Zealand and introduced species
Te Huringa Ora
- Nō tēnei karangatanga ngā noke oneone maha.
- Kai ai i ngā tipu kua pōpopo haere.
- He kaha rātou ki te tuku hāora ki te oneone, ki te whakahanumi anō i te oneone.
- He noho ētahi momo ki rō wai.
- Ko ētahi momo ka noho whāiti ki ngā wāhi pērā i te pūkai wairākau.
Life history
- Earthworms of various sorts
- Feed on decaying vegetation
- Aerate and mix soil
- Some species in fresh water
- Some species restricted to compost heap–type situation