Farmer decision-making in the Southland region
In this section
Sustainable society & policy
- Activating water-sensitive urban design for healthy resilient communities
- Assessing climate change-induced cultural losses in Fiji
- BEST: Biodiversity and ecosystems services for resource management
- Cities, settlements & communities
- Decision-making in the Waihou-Piako catchment
- Decision-making in the Lower Waikato, Central Waikato, and Waipa catchments
- Environmental Perceptions Survey
- Evidence empowering impact
- Farmer decision-making in the Southland region
- Garden Birds: The science behind the survey
- Freshwater values, monitoring and outcomes
- Moving the middle
- New Zealand Nursery Survey
- New Zealand Colony Loss Survey
- Responding to COVID-19
- Social Licence to Operate Framework
- Survey of Rural Decision Makers
You are invited to take part in a survey about decision making on farms and forestry blocks in Southland.
The survey contributes to our research into helping farmers, growers and foresters gain a greater sense of control over the decisions they make in implementing voluntary environmentally sustainable farming practices.
To participate
- Your responses must be in relation to a farm or forestry block (that is not part of a farm) located in the Southland region
- You must be partially or fully responsible for the day-to-day operations of the farm/forestry block or be the landowner responsible for capital costs
- The survey can only be taken once per farm/forestry block.
By way of thanks
To show our appreciation for your time, a $50 voucher from Woolworths will be sent to you upon the completion of this survey.
You also have a chance to receive up to $500 in additional vouchers in the first survey depending on your responses to a simulated farm-production task.
It is important that we can survey you a second time in about 15 months. After completing the follow-up survey we will send you a $150 voucher from Woolworths to express our gratitude.