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Frustulia aotearoa T.Beier & Lange-Bertalot

Type slide

Slide Oz-51 in Lange-Bertalot collection (FR). Isotype slide NZ-111c and residual type sample NZ-111f in the collection of the Limnological Station, Technical University of Munich. Collected from an ombrotrophic peat bog ("pakihi") at Stafford Loop Road near Dillmanstown, West Coast District, South Island, New Zealand.

Institution holding the type material

Known distribution

New Zealand

Known from highly acidic ombrotrophic peat bogs (with transitions to "pakihi" wetland type) at the south-western coast of the New Zealand South Island, characterised by extremely low nutrient concentrations and biomass.


Reproduction pending online publication of all relevant material, at request of the publisher.


Images published online with kind permission of Herbarium Senckenbergianum Frankfurt .

Funding from TFBIS  (Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information System), administered by the New Zealand Department of Conservation , is gratefully acknowledged.


Beier T, Lange-Bertalot H 2007. A synopsis of cosmopolitan, rare and new Frustulia species (Bacillariophyceae) from ombrotrophic peat bogs and minerotrophic swamps in New Zealand. Nova Hedwigia 85: 73-91.