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This factsheet assists in the identification of a range of hairs from a Norway rat (brown rat) adult study skin.

Most diagnostic features for this species

  1. Norway rat [Rattus norvegicus]. Image: AnemoneProjectors [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

    Norway rat [Rattus norvegicus]. Image: AnemoneProjectors [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

    Cross-section of primary guard hairs almost cigar-shaped and more oblong than other Rattus genera.
  2. Wide cortex and smaller medulla than other Rattus genera.


Description: Range of hairs from adult study skin

Sample origin: Brunner and Coman 1974 "The identification of mammalian hair". Melbourne, Australia: Inkata Press

Hair profile

General shape: Guard hairs straight, or slight wave. Underhairs wavy.

Length (mm): maximum 25

Maximum diameter observed (μm): 200


Lowe B, Wehi PM. 2017. New Zealand hair identification factsheets: Norway rat, brown rat: Hair from study skin
Accessed: (--current date)