Sheep (Border Leicester Cross) Ovis aeries : hair from study skin
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In this section
Hair from animal or animal skin
- Border collie (live adult)
- Brushtail possum (study skin)
- Brushtail possum (adult carcass)
- Cat (study skin)
- Domestic dog and dingo (study skin)
- Goat (study skin)
- Horse (study skin)
- House mouse (study skin)
- Human (scalp hair)
- Human (scalp hair)
- Kiore (adult and juvenile carcass)
- Norway rat (study skin)
- NZ Pig dog (live adults)
- Sheep (study skin)
- Ship rat (study skin)
This factsheet assists in the identification of sample hairs from Border Leicester Cross sheep study skin.
Microscopic features

Lowe B, Wehi PM. 2017. New Zealand hair identification factsheets: Border Leicester Cross: Hair from study skin
Accessed: (--current date)