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Thank you to those who joined our 2023 hybrid Biosecurity Bonanza sessions this year. Our scientists enjoyed sharing the latest updates on our weed biocontrol and predator control research.

The recordings and presentations are now available to watch below or the complete playlist is on our YouTube channel.

Biosecurity Bonanza 2023

Where are we with those weeds?

Presenter: Angela Bownes

Exploiting fear for non-lethal cat management

Presenter: Sze-Wing Yiu

Impacts of gorse seed feeding biocontrol agents

Presenter: Paul Peterson

Bait stations for wallabies

Presenter: Graham Hickling

Ecological insights and the landscape-scale management of wilding conifers

Presenter: Duane Peltzer

Dama wallaby surveillance using detection dogs

Presenter: Dave Latham

Landscape genomics and full pedigrees - the future of evaluating pest management programs

Presenter: Andrew Veale

Chilean needle grass biocontrol using plant pathogens

Presenter: Alana den Breeyen

Rabbit responses to predator control

Presenter: Mandy Barron

The latest biosecurity and biocontrol happenings in the Pacific

Presenter: Lynley Hayes

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