Minimising environmental impacts of mining
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Coal and gold mining are important economic activities in New Zealand, and the West Coast of the South Island and Southland, for example, have long histories of mining. The process of mineral extraction inevitably results in environmental impacts, but few tools exist to help mining companies and regulators assess and predict environmental impacts of mining operations.
- pdf Factsheet 1: A framework for preventing water quality impacts on streams from mining pdf File, 692 KB
- pdf Factsheet 2: Predicting the effects of coal mines on aquatic environments pdf File, 541 KB
- pdf Factsheet 3: Using stream insects to predict the health of rivers with coal mine inputs pdf File, 608 KB
- pdf Factsheet 4: How do we prevent mining activities from contaminating streams? pdf File, 340 KB
- pdf Factsheet 5: Guidelines for mine rehabilitation in Westland pdf File, 304 KB
- pdf Factsheet 6: Planning and agreeing rehabilitation to pasture pdf File, 473 KB
- pdf Factsheet 7: Implementing rehabilitation to pasture pdf File, 582 KB
- pdf Factsheet 8: Native vegetation (rehabilitating native ecosystems) pdf File, 655 KB