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Ulex europaeusCordyline australis shrubland

Co-occurrence of [Ulex europaeus] and [Cordyline australis] indicates this alliance. Trotter's Gorge, North Otago.

Co-occurrence of [Ulex europaeus] and [Cordyline australis] indicates this alliance. Trotter's Gorge, North Otago.

Common name: Gorse shrubland with cabbage trees
Code: A: S6

Where does it occur?

The plots in on which this alliance is based occur in two locations intensively sampled near Timaru and Fairlie. It also has been sampled from scattered locations on Banks Peninsula, and on the North Island near Wellington, Auckland and in the Matemateonga. It is likely to be more widely distributed. The shrubland occurs predominantly in lowland areas (mean altitude = 72 m), and can ascend to 600 m.


This shrubland is dominated by Ulex europaeus, with Cordyline australis co-dominant in 61% of the stands. Ulex europaeus is the only indicator species. On average, stands are 3 m high, with the most developed reaching 12 m. This alliance is very species poor, with on average only six species per plot. Over a third of these (39%) are exotic.

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of Ulex europaeus and Cordyline australis.

Stand characteristics

Mean canopy height (m): 3 m (range 1–12)

Component Associations

(Cordyline australis) Ulex europaeus shrubland

Co-occurrence of [Ulex europaeus] and [Melicytus ramiflorus] is an indicator of this association.[Cordyline australis] is frequently present. Trotter's Gorge, North Otago.

Co-occurrence of [Ulex europaeus] and [Melicytus ramiflorus] is an indicator of this association.[Cordyline australis] is frequently present. Trotter's Gorge, North Otago.

Common name: Gorse shrubland with cabbage trees
Code: a: S6

Where does it occur?

This shrubland was sampled at scattered locations on the lower 2/3 of the South Island east coast and especially intensively near Timaru and Fairlie. It is likely to be more widely distributed. Altitudes range from 100 to 700 m.


These shrublands range from 2 to 3 m tall. It tends to be species-poor with an average of only 4 species on a plot which can, however, reach 26. On average, over a third of species present are exotic.

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of Ulex europaeus and Melicytus ramiflorus

Ulex europaeus Cytisus scoparius successional shrubland

[Ulex europeaus] and [Cytisus scoparius].North Westland

[Ulex europeaus] and [Cytisus scoparius].North Westland

Common name: Gorse – broom successional shrubland
Code: a: S10

Where does it occur?

This shrubland was sampled on the South Island east coast near Timaru and Fairlie, at altitudes below 250 m. It is likely to be more widely distributed.


These shrublands tend to be species poor, having on average 7 species on a plot, but species richness can be as high as 21 species on a plot. The exotic component is very high being, on average, 55% of the species

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of Ulex europaeus, Cytisus scoparius and either Rubus fruticosus or Pittosporum tenuifolium